Andrew Bissell

Andrew Bissell

Partner, Lighting Design, Ridge

President of the Society of Light and Lighting (SLL), May 2022 to May 2023.

Lighting is central to how people feel and function within a space and Andrew has enjoyed over 25 years of seeing people use the lit environments he has worked on. Having started his career installing lighting prior to graduating, he understands how to both design and install. Andrew particularly enjoys solving those finite design details which make all the difference to the completed clarity of a space.

Andrew’s lighting design philosophy is that it must respond to the architecture, the materials and the people who use the space. Daylight first before introducing architectural lighting whilst also protecting our dark skies. The lighting should also have a narrative and only exist if it is needed and adds to the beauty or function of a space. We only need to light what we want to see.

We can wait for change to happen, or we can drive the change we want to see happen. Andrew prefers the latter and enjoy the process of exploring how we can adopt new technologies and techniques to deliver better quality spaces for our clients and the occupants of spaces.